Sunday, December 6, 2009

Even more flexibility in your virtual tour

We listened again and have come up with a way for you to open your tour to a specific page. While we don't recommend this, we understand this is something worth-while!

It's not that we don't recommend it...we just think the normal landing page is best because it is MOBILE.

The "normal" landing page is designed to open in mobile browsers and display all pertinent information about the property - including description, 8 photos (that can be enlarged), and information about you. Also, the other items can be displayed in a mobile browser - like any documents you want to upload or even hyperlinks you add in the description.

However, we know you may want to have it open to the photo gallery, panoramas, or even the video tab. Once in the tour, visitors can click anywhere.

So...let's say you want to have the tour open to the Video tab by default. Here is all you need to do.

We provide you a link to the tour - you only need to add &show=video at the end of the URL and that's it! The tour link now opens to the video tab by default.

Adding &show=photos or &show=panos or even &show=map will take visitors to that portion of the tour by default.

So this link would take you to the normal landing page:

This link would take you to the same tour but open the video tab first:

as always, let us know if you have any questions or feedback!

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